Moorumbina Mongurnallin

‘You are Loved’ in local Bunurong language.

Moorumbina Mongurnallin incorporates the Village 21 supported housing concept developed by Kids Under Cover and Anglicare Victoria which is designed to assist young people who are leaving out-of-home care to successfully transition to independence.

Based in Frankston, Moorumbina Mongurnallin is the second Village 21 site and the first Independent Living model specifically adapted to the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people.

Six occupants aged from 18 to 21 will receive wrap around supports from a key practitioner as well as access to programs that will strengthen connection to culture, build independent living skills and improve education, employment and long term housing prospects.

This first-of-its-kind housing project has been created in partnership with the Victorian Aboriginal Child and Community Agency (VACCA) and the design has been informed by consultation with local Elders and young First Nations people. Cultural perspectives, insights and protocols are embedded throughout the design and delivery of services for the young adults who will call Moorumbina Mongurnallin home.

Virtual Tour: Moorumbina Mongurnallin

Take a walk through Moorumbina Mongurnallin via a 3D walk through and time-lapse, thanks to our partners at Macutex.

Why do we need Moorumbina Mongurnallin?

Moorumbina Mongurnallin has been created in response to the alarming over-representation of young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people within Australia’s out-of-home care and homelessness populations. The project is a collaborative partnership seeking to ensure a positive transition from care to independence, enabling young residents every opportunity to fulfil their potential.

Young people who leave the state care system have been shown to be a particularly vulnerable cohort with studies finding that:

  • 35% of young people in state care end up homeless after they turn 18.
  • Within one year, 50% of state care leavers will be unemployed, in jail, homeless or become a new parent.
  • Almost two thirds of young people who have experienced homelessness have spent time in out-of-home care.

The Village setting

Moorumbina Mongurnallin is a culturally considered set of studios in a communal living environment. There are two single units for two volunteer live-in mentors and three two-bedroom units for six young people. A communal area houses a kitchen, laundry and lounge. Outside there is a basketball court, yarning circle with firepit, and native garden.

Moorumbina Mongurnallin

How long can occupants stay?

Young people can live at Moorumbina Mongurnallin until the end of their 21st year. The Key Practitioner will work with the young person to assist them in finding secure long-term housing prior to their exit.

What is the role of the mentors?

Live-in Mentors are volunteers who live at the property. At least one mentor is expected to be present at Moorumbina Mongurnallin each night. They are available to assist with building the independent living skills of young people, and model independent living behaviours such as attending work or study, cleaning, cooking, washing, etc.

Sustainable living

Six tonnes of carbon has been captured, stored and locked away within the Moorumbina Mongurnallin studios. The studios have received a Carbon Storage Certificate which confirms the amount of carbon stored as biomass in the Durra Panel walls and ceilings of Village 21 Frankston. This project has saved 5 acres from straw stubble burning after harvest, the carbon stored in the panels would otherwise have been released back into the earth’s atmosphere as a result of crop burning.
The site has also been planted with indigenous trees, plants and shrubs throughout.

Moorumbina Mongurnallin

Key Supporters

Moorumbina Mongurnallin could not exist without the incredible support and collaboration with various government, corporate and community partners, including the Victorian Government, NH Architecture, JB Hi-Fi, Harris HMC, Corrs Chambers Westgarth and many more organisations who have all been significant in their contribution to the project.

Moorumbina Mongurnallin

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