
No young person in our community chooses to be homeless

The Australian Bureau of Statistic’s 2021 Census reported that nearly a quarter (23%) of Australia’s homeless population (28,204) are aged 12-24 years. There are countless reasons young people become homeless including overcrowding at home, family conflict, challenges with mental health and substance abuse. Without the right support, young people who leave home before they are prepared often enter a cycle of homelessness that can last their entire lives.

Our accommodation solutions have been specifically designed and adapted over three decades to disrupt this pathway and help alleviate the stressful situations that can drive young people to leaving home before they are prepared. Our support extends to young people leaving out-of-home care and the justice system, offering supported accommodation through our Village 21 and Mobile Pod programs. The outcomes of our work show that the unique combination of stable accommodation and scholarships helps strengthen connections with family, community and education which can be life-changing for young people and families.


Building foundations to prevent youth homelessness

Kids Under Cover is a not-for-profit organisation founded by businessperson and philanthropist Ken Morgan OAM in 1989. Our charity work is driven by the core belief that no young person in our community should be homeless.

We are a registered charitable organisation in Australia supporting vulnerable young people between the ages of 12 and 25 years who are either already homeless or are at risk of homelessness.

Early intervention

Our programs aim to reach at-risk young people early to alleviate pressures that can lead to homelessness or out-of-home care. Providing the space that offers relief and a chance to ‘breathe’ can be the turning point a young person needs to launch a more promising trajectory.

The studio is designed to be a space where a young person has the chance to build confidence while staying connected to their family and community. It gives them a place to focus on their future – to set and achieve their education and training goals.

Our impact is strengthened by our partnerships with organisations that provide wrap-around services, to collectively prevent more young people entering the cycle of homelessness and give them the tools to build bright futures.

Building brighter futures

We house around 1000 young people at risk of homelessness every night in:

  • Over 650 one or two-bedroom studios across metropolitan and regional Victoria
  • 15 studios in metropolitan South Australia

Over the 2023 financial year, Kids Under Cover delivered 350 scholarships and attracted funding to build three new Village 21 sites across regional Victoria with a focus on supporting young people from First Nations communities.

We continue to increase our studio numbers across Victoria and South Australia while work is underway to expand our operations in other states.

Supporting Kids Under Cover

The success of our work relies on the generous support we receive from governments, philanthropists and the community. We’re thankful to have developed lasting relationships with corporate, community service and welfare partners which enable us to pursue our vision of a community where every young person has a stable and supportive place to call home.

Every young person who is currently enjoying the stability and sanctuary of a Kids Under Cover studio can do so because of the foundations, organisations and compassionate individuals who are committed to supporting the work we do. Our sincere thanks extend to everybody involved.

Our story

Kids Under Cover was founded in 1989 by businessman and philanthropist, Ken Morgan AO. Ken was driven by the simple notion that by creating stability and opportunity we could enable young people to achieve their hopes and dreams. Now, more than 30 years later, we remain committed to building brighter futures for young people through our programs and partnerships.

Our team

The Kids Under Cover workforce is made up of a diverse group of professionals who come together to work every day towards our shared goal of ending youth homelessness and helping young people to achieve brighter futures.

Our supporters

Our incredible community of partners and supporters enable us to reach more families and move ever closer towards our goal to end youth homelessness.


Get in touch with the Kids Under Cover team to find out more information about our organisation's purpose and programs, or to get help with your queries or other requests.

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