No young person in our community chooses to be homeless
The Australian Bureau of Statistic’s 2021 Census reported that nearly a quarter (23%) of Australia’s homeless population (28,204) are aged 12-24 years. There are countless reasons young people become homeless including overcrowding at home, family conflict, challenges with mental health and substance abuse. Without the right support, young people who leave home before they are prepared often enter a cycle of homelessness that can last their entire lives.
Our accommodation solutions have been specifically designed and adapted over three decades to disrupt this pathway and help alleviate the stressful situations that can drive young people to leaving home before they are prepared. Our support extends to young people leaving out-of-home care and the justice system, offering supported accommodation through our Village 21 and Mobile Pod programs. The outcomes of our work show that the unique combination of stable accommodation and scholarships helps strengthen connections with family, community and education which can be life-changing for young people and families.