Village 21 Preston

Village 21 Preston is a first-of-its-kind accommodation and support program developed by Kids Under Cover in partnership with Anglicare Victoria. This pilot program, launched in 2021, provides secure supported housing for six young people aged 18-21 and is designed as a stepping stone for residents who have experienced out-of-home care and need support to successfully transition to independent living.

The village also accommodates two live in mentors and is underpinned by a Key Practitioner who helps provide access to services, social activities and employment or training opportunities. Occupants enjoy their own privacy within their studio while a communal area encourages shared cooking, conversation and social interaction.

Village 21 Preston and our partnership with Anglicare Victoria serves as a blueprint as we lay the foundation for additional Village 21 sites across the state and beyond.

Virtual Tour: Village 21 Preston

Take a tour of the site via a 3D walk through and time-lapse, thanks to our partners at Macutex.

Why do we need Village 21?

It has been reported that 35% of young people who leave the care system experience homelessness at some point. Almost two thirds of young people who have experienced homelessness have spent time in out-of-home care. The Village 21 model is designed to interrupt this pathway by providing a stable and supported accommodation option during the vulnerable period of transition. Many young people leaving out-of-home care are ill-equipped with the essential living skills they need to live independently. Village 21 supports the development of skills such as cooking, cleaning and budgeting while providing an interactive environment and access to employment and training opportunities.

The Village setting

Village 21 Is set in a private, contemporary communal living environment in close proximity to the thriving local community and public transport. The communal setting features a shared kitchen, living room and laundry, three two bedroom studios with a bathroom for the young residents and two one-bedroom studios for the live-in mentors. There’s a communal bbq area, outdoor courtyards and garden areas to grow plants and vegetables.

Village 21 Preston

How long can occupants stay?

Young people can live at Village 21 until the end of their 21st year. The Key Practitioner will work with the young person to assist them in finding secure long-term housing prior to their exit.


What is the role of the mentors?

Live-in Mentors are volunteers who live at the property. At least one mentor is expected to be present at the village each night. They are available to assist with building the independent living skills of young people, and model independent living behaviours such as attending work or study, cleaning, cooking, washing, etc.

Key Supporters

Village 21 could not exist without the incredible support and collaboration with various government, corporate and community partners, including the Victorian Government, NH Architecture, JB Hi-Fi, Harris HMC, Corrs Chambers Westgarth and many more organisations who have all been significant in their contribution to the project.

Moorumbina Mongurnallin

“If I wasn’t at Village 21, I don’t think I’d be living in any sort of accommodation. I’d be homeless, hoping that I could find a place to be sleeping and living and being able to afford food and such. The village has given me an opportunity to get some sure footing and figure myself out.”

– Village 21 resident