Mobile Pod Pilot
The Kids Under Cover Mobile Pods Program is an accommodation solution for young people at imminent risk of homelessness or urgently needing space to leave care.
The aim of the program is to provide a high-quality, agile housing solution that can be rapidly deployed as a circuit breaker to tensions that may lead to family breakdown, homelessness or entry into out-of-home care. The mobile pods can also provide a rapid housing response for young people exiting the justice or out-of-home care systems who are at high risk of homelessness.
“This project aims to fill a gap where circumstances demand an immediate accommodation solution to prevent a young person leaving home or deviating into youth justice. We’re really hopeful this unique innovation can help stabilise the lives of young people in need and put them back on a positive trajectory towards a brighter future.”
– Kara Briggs, Kids Under Cover Head of Programs
How does it work?
The Mobile Pod Program is intended to be complimentary to our existing Studio Program. It will be available in cases where families or young people need immediate support and their circumstances won’t allow the 3 to 4 months it might take for the council and construction process required for a regular Kids Under Cover studio.
Working alongside established partners in DFFH, Child Protection and Community Service Organisations, the stable accommodation will allow for other supports to help de-escalate conflict and aim to prevent out-of-home care placements, Youth Justice involvement and homelessness.
At the end of placement, which could be determined by the family, case manager or Kids Under Cover client protocols, the studio will be removed, audited, cleaned and placed at a new location or put in storage until next required.
Projected Outcomes
- young people remain connected to place in appropriate, safe and family-based accommodation during periods of crisis;
- prevention of young people entering care, family breakdown and homelessness
- young people no longer homeless or at risk of homelessness while their case manager works with the family and/or finds the most suitable long-term placement;
- young people recovering from trauma retaining the critical support of home-based carers and case managers;
- reduced impacts to families from placements breaking down before a studio can be placed
- cost effective alternative to current interventions for families at risk and keeping young people out of care
- reduced impact of society from the social costs of homelessness
- improved case management effectiveness as case managers concentrate on their clients as opposed to sourcing and managing assets.