Kids Under Cover Studio Program Applications
How to apply for a Kids Under Cover Studio
If you are a young person at risk of homelessness, or someone who cares for one, you will need to contact a Community Service Organisation who can apply for a studio on your behalf. The Studio Program is at the core of Kids Under Cover work in preventing youth homelessness.
We provide one and two-bedroom, fully relocatable studios (with bathroom) constructed on the grounds of the family or carer’s home.
Each studio provides a stable, secure and private space for a young person experiencing challenges that can lead to youth homelessness, such as household overcrowding, domestic violence, substance abuse, mental health concerns and contact with the youth justice system.
The studio keeps young people connected to their family or carer and reduces the risk of them being forced to leave home prematurely.

Eligibility criteria
To be eligible for a Kids Under Cover studio a young person must be aged between 12-25 years, already supported by a registered Community Service Organisation, and to have been identified as having demonstrated risk of homelessness.

There is no cost to the applicant or family. Kids Under Cover fund the build and installation of the studio through generous donations from individuals, trusts & foundations, and government support.
Kids Under Cover audit studios and pay for maintenance as a result of normal wear and tear. Any maintenance that is a result of willful damage by the occupant or other individuals must be paid for by the family.

Application process
To be suitable for a Kids Under Cover studio, the property on which the studio is to be placed must have a backyard large enough for a studio and the studio must be intended for use by a young person/s aged between 12-25 years. A simple yet rigorous application process ensures that studios are allocated to young people in greatest need.
1. Referral
Our Community Service Organisation (CSO) partners work directly with the young person to provide them with their social support needs.
Through this work, the social worker will determine if a Kids Under Cover studio, combined with the existing support, will be the best solution to address the young person’s risk of homelessness.
The social worker makes the application to Kids Under Cover on behalf of the young person and their family.
2. Assessment and allocation
The application is then assessed by the Kids Under Cover team and the social worker will be notified of the outcome of the application.
If the application is approved and funding has been allocated, Kids Under Cover will work in partnership with builders, local councils, the social worker and the family to start planning for the studio installation.
After completion, Kids Under Cover is responsible for any ongoing maintenance of the studio. When the studio is no longer needed by the family, it is dismantled and moved to another family in need. Studios last around 15 years and can be relocated up to four times.
Start an application
If you are interested in a Kids Under Cover studio, please complete the Studio Expression of Interest Form which registers your interest in the program. Please be aware that funding is limited at this time. Once you have submitted an Expression of Interest form for a studio we will be in contact with you if there is any possibility of the application proceeding.
If you have any further questions you can contact us at or 03 9429 7444.