September 21, 2022
CEO Message – Spring 2022

Last month we farewelled our incredible founder, Ken Morgan who passed away peacefully after a long battle with illness. His passing marks a period of reflection here at Kids Under Cover – on how far we’ve come since Ken raised the funds to build the first home for a family in need more than thirty years ago. It also marks a period of great anticipation, as we continue to further our reach, providing better opportunities to more young people experiencing some tough situations.
Ken was driven by his belief that he could create real change and offer hope to young people who were struggling to find any. Having experienced homelessness as a teenager himself, Ken knew the key to preventing young people from becoming homeless was to intervene early and keep those at risk connected with their homes, their support networks and their families.
The stories in these pages are testament to that belief. The stories of families who are given some breathing space with the relief their studio provides. Stories of parents and carers whose love for the young people in their lives is helping them thrive. And stories of young people who only need to be offered an opportunity to look ahead with excitement towards the next chapter in their lives.
As we reflect on the past, we also very much look forward to our future. A strategy is in place to take us through the next three years, with plans to expand our reach, further develop our programs and break new ground in our ambition to support young people on their path to independence.
We look forward to bringing you with us as we unveil some exciting new plans and projects in the coming months. The need is as prevalent now as it has ever been with the damaging impact of the pandemic on young people and families only just beginning to emerge, while living costs and lack of housing are bearing down on the most vulnerable in our community. So as we mourn the loss of our great founder, we commit ourselves to continuing to fulfil his vision in which no young person spends a single night without a stable home.
Thanks for all your support.
Stephen Nash