September 23, 2021
CEO Message – Spring 2021

After almost 19 wonderful years at Kids Under Cover I am stepping down as CEO in December 2021.
I am incredibly proud of how together we have grown the organisation’s impact over the years. There are now over 630 Kids Under Cover studios across Victoria, providing more than 930 young people and their families with stability, security and a brighter future.
I am also humbled by the support of our wonderful community; our work is only possible thanks to your ongoing generosity and kindness. I look forward to following the future successes of Kids Under Cover and its work in preventing youth homelessness.
Last year was a difficult year for everyone, as we were adjusting to a new way of life in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. Through all this, thanks to your support we were able to continue providing our life changing programs to vulnerable young people and their families. I can’t thank you enough for this. Last financial year, you helped us provide 66 studios, preventing an additional 102 young people from falling into the spiral of homelessness. You also helped to fund over 250 scholarships, keeping young people connected to their education and futures.
In August 2021 the Victorian Government announced new funding for Kids Under Cover to provide 45 studios specifically for young people in contact with youth justice, to support their rehabilitation. Combined with additional funding announced last year, Kids Under Cover will be providing a total of 95 studios for young people leaving youth justice. We are pleased to be working in partnership with the Department of Justice & Community Safety on addressing this critical housing need.
Sadly this funding doesn’t enable us to meet the current demand we have experienced over the past 18 months. Based on recent figures, there are now more than 900 young people and their families in urgent need of our support. We are committed to supporting as many young people and families as possible, and I thank you for the important part that you play in this.
On a final note, this year’s Kids Under Cover Annual General Meeting will be held via zoom on Tuesday 23rd November 2021. I extend a warm invitation for you to join us, please email if you wish to attend.
Warm regards,
Jo Swift
Chief Executive Officer