November 17, 2021
Mustang Drives Donations for Kids Under Cover

A Ford Mustang GT Fastback is set to raise much needed funds to help Kids Under Cover prevent youth homelessness.
Kids Under Cover, Australia’s leading youth homelessness prevention organisation, received the Ford Mustang GT Fastback 5.0 V8 as a donation through their Donate Your Car Program.
The car is now being auctioned off through Kids Under Cover’s auction partner Manheim in November. The auction reserve for the Mustang is set at $75,000, but Kids Under Cover are hoping to raise more for their youth homelessness prevention work.
“Whoever buys this car will have a brand new sports car and know that every dollar they spent will be going towards preventing youth homelessness in our community”, said Adam Walsh, Kids Under Cover’s Head of Fundraising.
“For the successful bidder, it also comes with shipping anywhere in the country for free.”
The auction runs from 10am 22nd November 2021 until 4pm 26th November 2021.
Anyone can register for the auction, and bid to own the Mustang for themselves. They simply need to create a buyer account with Manheim Auctions at